PHASE Training

PHASE helps create, maintain and support safe spaces within the Cadet programs. The Promoting Healthy and Safe Experiences (PHASE) program replaces the former Cadet Program known as Positive Social Relations for Youth (PSRY).

PHASE Objectives

  • Affirm youth rights and allow for an open dialogue in which youth can explore what healthy relationships look like.
  • Provide youth the ability to help themselves or a friend in situations such as bullying, harassment, dating violence and abuse.
  • Provide guidance on how to be an ally, intervene as a bystander and get help.
  • Provide youth with tools to interact positively with others, accept personal responsibility for actions and choices, deal with interpersonal conflict, stay safe in the face of select harm and risks and seek assistance from available resources as needed.

Lessons are facilitated by adult staff, volunteers, and senior level cadets. Cadets and Parents/Guardians are encouraged to review the PHASE training materials provided.

If you require any further information or assistance contact PHASE Coordinator.

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PHASE Program Resources

PHASE Facilitator’s Guide (778 pages) view here

Age 12-15 Handouts & PowerPoint Presentations

Lesson 5 – Social Media Lesson 5 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 6 – Bullying Lesson 6 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 7 – Harassment Lesson 7 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 10 – Sexual Abuse Lesson 10 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 11 – Substance Use & Addiction Lesson 11 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 12 – Self Harm Lesson 12 – PowerPoint Download

Age 15-18 Handouts & PowerPoint Presentations

Lesson 2 – Dating Relationships Lesson 2 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 5 – Social Media & Online Sexual Exploitation Lesson 5 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 8 – Consent Lesson 8 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 10 – Sexual Exploitation Lesson 10 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 11 – Substance Use & Addiction Lesson 11 – PowerPoint Download
Lesson 12 – Suicide Lesson 12 – PowerPoint Download