Monthly Routine Orders

Monthly Routine Orders (MRO) contains important information for cadets and parents/guardians. Details include Training Calendar and timings for mandatory and optional training events, orders of dress, appointments, and announcements. All Cadets should be familiar with the latest MRO. It is the first and best source for answers to many of the questions that are frequently asked by cadets and parents/guardians.

MROs are posted at the beginning of each month. Changes do occur therefore it is important to regularly check for and make note of updates listed below. 

Current MRO

December 2024 MRO v1  Training Calendar last page in MRO.

  • DEC 22 to JAN 4 WINTER STAND-DOWN Cadet training will stand-down during the holiday break until JAN 5.
  • JAN 7 Biathlon practice 6:30-8pm. If you require any further information, please contact Biathlon Coach
  • JAN 17 Effective Speaking at LHQ
  • JAN 31 Effective Speaking at LHQ (to be confirmed)
  • FEB 7 & 21 Effective Speaking at LHQ

205 Squadron Shared OUTLOOK Calendar Cadet 365

The following link is a shortcut to instructions on how to access the Calendar. The link will open the Cadet 365 Sign In page. Once signed in the pdf instruction sheet will open for you. Steps to add +PAC 205 Air Calendar to Outlook Account.pdf


The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) runs a Canteen with snacks available for purchase during the second to third period break (2000-2025hrs 8-8:25pm) at the Local Headquarters (LHQ) on regular parade nights (No canteen on CO’s Parade nights). Cadets may purchase a Canteen Card (max limit $10) at the LHQ. The card has Cadet name on it and is only usable by the cadet who owns it. Canteen items for purchase: (Cookies, chips, chocolate bars, granola bars, pop, juice boxes).

3 items per person
  • BIG Gatorade and full-size chocolate bars $2
  • Wafers and small chocolates (2 items) $1
  • Everything else $1