Join as a Cadet
If you are between the ages of 12 and 18 years and are looking for fun and challenging activities while making new friends and learning valuable life skills, then 205 Collishaw Squadron Air Cadets is for YOU! You are eligible to join once you have reached your 12th birthday.
Cadets will receive training in flying and gliding, survival skills, physical fitness, public speaking, citizenship, and precision drill while making new friends and learning valuable life skills here at 205 Collishaw Squadron. This is not an application to join the Canadian Armed Forces. Air Cadets are not members of the Canadian Armed Forces, nor is the program a prerequisite for military service. Learn more about what Cadets do here.
To register as a NEW Cadet, follow PARTS 1, 2, 3 and 4 (One time requirement)
To register as a RETURNING Cadet, follow PARTS 3, 4 and 5 (Required Annually)
BASIC CONTACT INFORMATION for NEW Cadets (One time requirement)
Let’s get started by getting your basic contact information to our local Nanaimo Squadron. Please click this link and complete the form that opens in a new tab. Once completed, come back to this tab and continue.
REGISTRATION APPLICATION For NEW Cadets (One time requirement)
How to register with 205 Collishaw Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS).
STEP ONE: Before starting your online application, please read ALL instructions in STEP ONE, TWO & THREE and be sure you have the following information ready:
- The applicant’s health card information including expiry date if applicable.
- The address and phone numbers of all Parents/Guardians.
STEP TWO: When you are ready to begin click on JOIN THE CADET PROGRAM.
- Enter your email address then select “Start new application”. You will receive a confirmation email with the following link “Continue Application”.
- When the application is completed, you will then receive an email confirmation that your application information has been sent to 205 Collishaw Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.
- Visit the Online Registration Tool Frequently Asked Questions for Parents, Guardians, and Cadets.
STEP THREE: The 205 Collishaw Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Administration Officer will contact you to arrange a time to confirm your information and review your official identification documents. The Administration Officer will welcome you to the Cadet Program and answer questions you might have.
For NEW and RETURNING Cadets (Required annually by ALL cadets)
While there is no cost to the Cadets for their uniforms or to participate in the core elements of the Air Cadet Program, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) collects an Assessment Fee∗ to assist with the cost of facility rentals, training and equipment, annual insurance for the gliders and tow aircraft used in the flying program and other activity expenses.
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) is a registered charity comprised of screened volunteers Parents/Guardians and Community of Cadets. The SSC is responsible for raising funds to support squadron training programs, such as power familiarization flying, weekend exercises, band expenses, entrance fees and transportation for various outings, as well as rent, insurance and operating costs. For more information on the SSC view here.
The link below opens the 205 Collishaw RCACS Sponsoring Committee’s Assessment Fee portal.
∗No Cadet will be refused registration or participation in any way because of the Parent/Guardian’s inability to pay this assessment. All requests for exemption of this fee must be submitted to the Support Administrator by the parent/guardian PRIOR to registration. All communications will be kept confidential.
The fee currently is $200 for the whole year, please reach out to the Support Administrator to confirm fee partway through the year.
Cadet T-Shirt Order Form
Cadet T-Shirt is included in the SSC Registration Fee. The T-Shirt Order Form enables us to best serve you and your cadet and ensure that they receive a proper fitting Squadron T-Shirt each year.
If you have any questions regarding the Registration Fee or need assistance with the T-Shirt Order Form, contact Support Administrator.
Code of Conduct (Required annually by ALL cadets)
The Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR) is committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and supportive program where everyone feels valued and can achieve their maximum potential. Treating each other with respect and fairness and acting and making decisions in the best interests of others, are integral to maintaining a positive environment; free from all forms of discrimination, abuse, inappropriate conduct and damaging behaviour. The Cadet Code of Conduct must be completed and submitted within 30 days of joining every year.
Fill out, print and sign the Code of Conduct, and hand deliver to Administration Officer at the squadron office Local Headquarters LHQ during office hours Thursday 18:00-21:00 hrs (September to June).
If you require any further information or assistance regarding the Cadet Code of Conduct contact, the Administration Officer.
Annual Validation Form (Required annually by ALL returning cadets)
At the start of each training year (September), the Squadron Administration Officer produces an ANNUAL VALIDATION FORM for each cadet.
Annual Validation Form must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the squadron within 30 days of joining every year. Failure to return the ANNUAL VALIDATION FORM before the deadline will result in the cadet not being allowed to participate in cadet activities.
If you require any further information or assistance regarding the Annual Validation Form, contact the Administration Officer.
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