Leadership and Achievement in Air Cadets

WO1 Park
WO1 Michael Jisung Park, a distinguished member of the 205 Collishaw RCACS since 2018, has left an indelible mark as the Squadron Commander.

Author Olivia Joo

His journey as an air cadet has been nothing short of remarkable, marked by his active participation in various community activities, which have inspired many in our cadet community. 

The Squadron Commander, WO1 Park’s efforts to boost the morale of the senior cadets and instill greater discipline in the squadron’s environment are commendable. His role as the highest-ranking cadet is not just a title but a responsibility he upholds with excellence, presenting himself as a role model to all the cadets. His involvement and performance in the cadet activities during his six years at 205 Collishaw are exemplary. Effective Speaking, Band, Marksmanship, Ground School, HAM program, the parade square, and the classrooms, he served as an example for the cadets. 

WO1 Park was awarded the Air Cadet Service Medal for his efforts towards the squadron over five years and the Lord Strathcona Medal for his excellent physical fitness and contribution. He also received a $2500 CAE scholarship from the Air Cadet League of Canada.  

Last summer, he completed the Power Pilot Training Course, the finest course offered in the air cadet program and his performance and effort to earn his place in the course were outstanding. He proudly wears wings on his chest, a testament to his exceptional achievements. 

He accomplished all these endeavours while maintaining a 97% average in academics, receiving the Service Award for his contribution to the Student Council and Eco Club at Dover Bay Secondary School, and winning numerous math competitions. WO1 Park’s commitment to service extends to his faith community, where he serves as the senior altar server at Nanaimo Korean Catholic Church. How he managed to have time to work part-time as a pharmacy technical assistant at Shopper’s Drug Mart is a mystery. 

This year, he was selected for the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Officer School 2024 but declined the offer as he has been accepted into the Royal Military College of Canada. His exceptional achievements have led him to the next chapter of his career, and he will be relocating to St. Jean, QC and then Kingston, ON. We are confident that his future will be as bright as his past.

WO1 Park’s active contributions and exemplary leadership will always be remembered, and he will be missed by many. We express our sincere appreciation for his dedicated service and convey our best wishes as he sets out on this new journey in life.

May his future hold even greater promise than his past. Cheers!

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