
Below are Acronyms and Definitions we use at 205 Collishaw Squadron. For a complete list of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces Manual of Abbreviations view here. The dataset is a bilingual list of abbreviations in alphabetical order.


  • AC – Air Cadet
  • ACLC – Air Cadet League of Canada
  • ACR – Annual Ceremonial Review
  • Admin – Administration
  • AdminO – Administration Officer
  • Adj – Adjutant,  a cadet parade position not a rank


  • BCPC – BC Provincial Committee
  • BZ – Bravo Zulu is a Naval term meaning “well done”.


  • CAF – Canadian Armed Forces
  • CJCR – Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers
  • C1A, C2, C3, C3B, C5, C5C – Orders of Dress 
  • Canteen – Canteen cards may be purchased at the LHQ
  • Capt – Captain
  • CO – Commanding Officer
  • Cpl  Corporal – cadet rank
  • CI – Civilian Instructor
  • CIC – Cadet Instructor Cadre
  • CV – Civilian Volunteer
  • CATO – Cadet Administrative and Training Orders


  • DND – Department of National Defense
  • Dress – The clothing type worn by cadets – civilian, summer, ceremonial, combat and full dress is the complete uniform.


  • CJCR – Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers
  • C1A, C2, C3, C3B, C5, C5C – Orders of Dress
  • Canteen – Canteen cards may be purchased at the LHQ office
  • Capt – Captain
  • CO – Commanding Officer
  • Cpl  Corporal – cadet rank
  • CI – Civilian Instructor
  • CIC – Cadet Instructor Cadre
  • CV – Civilian Volunteer
  • CATO – Cadet Administrative and Training Orders 


  • FCpl – Flight Corporal – Cadet NCO rank
  • FSgt – Flight Sergeant – Senior Cadet NCO rank
  • Flt – Flight (refers to the parade groups of Band, Arrow, or Banshee)
  • Flt Comd – Flight Commander – Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)
  • Flt Sgt – Flight Sergeant – Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)
  • FTX – Field Training Exercise


  • GMT – Greenwich Mean Time


  • HQ – headquarters
  • Hrs – Hours – as in 1400hrs or 2pm


  • Lt – Lieutenant – officer rank
  • 2Lt – Second Lieutenant – officer rank
  • LHQ – Local Headquarters – Squadron office
  • LAC – Leading Air Cadet – a cadet rank


  • MRE – Meal Ready to Eat
  • MRO – Monthly Routine Orders


  • NLT – No Later Than
  • NCO – Non-Commissioned Officer – cadets: Sgt; FSgt; WO2; WO1


  • OCdt – Officer Cadet – lowest ranking officer
  • OIC – Officer in Charge – refers to officer responsible for an event
  • OPI – Office of Primary Importance – Sometimes used in place of OIC or OIC Ex


  • PMV – Personal Motor Vehicle
  • PO – Performance Objective


  • RO – Range Officer
  • RSO – Range Safety Officer
  • RCAC – Royal Canadian Air Cadets
  • RCACS – Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
  • RCSU(P) – Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific) – the Canadian Forces unit responsible for providing support to the Canadian Cadet Organizations in BC


  • Sgt – Sergeant – cadet NCO rank
  • Sqn Comd – Squadron Commander – cadet rank – the Senior most cadet in the squadron assigned to the top parade position
  • SupO – Supply Officer
  • SWO – Squadron Warrant Officer – a parade position not a rank
  • 2IC – Second In Charge – usually associated with exercises or activities


  • Wing – refers to 808 Thunderbird Wing (top floor of LHQ) – Royal Canadian Air Force Association Wing Sponsor
  • WO1 – Warrant officer first Class – top cadet NCO rank
  • WO2 – Warrant Officer Second Class – NCO rank below WO1


  • Zulu Time – Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)