Warning Orders

A warning order is “a preliminary notice of an order or action which is to follow.” Warning orders are planning directives that describe the situation, allocate resources, and provide initial planning guidance and initiate mission planning.

What is a Warning Order?

The Warning Order is a detailed document of what is expected and what your cadet can expect for a specific activity including:

  • Officer in Charge
  • Cadet in Charge
  • Start time
  • End time
  • What to bring
  • What NOT to bring
  • Where to go
  • What your cadet will learn
  • What is expected of your cadet
  • What to do if signed up but now can’t go
  • Who to contact in an emergency
  • Parent/Guardian consent to attend
  • If applicable, maps, or any other info necessary for the cadet to have regarding the activity.

What are the Joining Instructions?

When you sign up for an activity outside the squadron, like cadet Summer Camp, cadet course, or a cadet competition, that is sponsored by Department of National Defence (DND)/Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR), rather than just the squadron, once you are approved to attend, you will receive Joining Instructions. They have the same information as the Warning Order, but it is the first a consent form, for parents to allow the cadet to go and for the cadet to sign to agree to follow the instructions provided. 

Detailed Warning Orders are accessed thought Cadet365. All cadets are required to use Cadet365 for all Cadet and Officer communication.