
The primary goal of our Training Program is to provide Cadets with training in citizenship, leadership, aviation, physical fitness and other valuable subjects and skill sets. The Cadet program is divided into 5 years of proficiency level training these levels correspond to the number of years in the program. The training program is designed to meet the developments needs of Cadets as they progress in age, maturity, and responsibility.

The two main methods to take advantage of all the opportunities provided by the Air Cadet Program is through mandatory weekly local training throughout the year, as well as Summer Training Cadet Activity Program.

Grouse Mountain Seaforth Armoury Museum
“My time as an Air Cadet opened my eyes to significant life lessons, including: discipline, problem solving, being precise and on time, being sharp in mind and in appearance, loyalty and teamwork...
Nazanin Afshin-Jam MacKay