
Cadet Promotions

Cadets move up in rank based on their commitment and ability to take on greater roles and responsibilities. At the rank of Flight Corporal, Cadets begin their leadership roles by providing routine orders and assigning tasks to lower ranked Cadets. Through the higher ranks of Sergeant, Flight Sergeant and Warrant Officer, the levels of influence, responsibility and leadership increase.  Promotions are based on a combination of successful completion of activities and program requirements, along with age and years of experience in Cadets. 


The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) runs a Canteen with snacks available for purchase during the second to third period break (2000-2025hrs 8-8:25pm) at the Local Headquarters (LHQ) on regular parade nights (No canteen on CO’s Parade nights). Cadets may purchase a Canteen Card (max limit $10) at the Local Headquarters (LHQ). The card has Cadet name on it and is only usable by the cadet who owns it. Canteen items for purchase: (Cookies, chips, chocolate bars, granola bars, pop, juice boxes)

  • BIG Gatorade and full-size chocolate bars $2
  • Wafers and small chocolates (2 items) $1
  • Everything else $1