Biathlon Team Members To Attend The Provincials

Biathlon Team 2023-24
The 205 Collishaw Biathlon Team achieved outstanding success in the Zone Competition in Nanoose Bay on January 20, 2024. Our team of talented athletes has put in tremendous hard work and dedication, which has certainly paid off. As a result of their impressive performance, two of our athletes, Cpl Fletcher and Cpl Finch, have qualified to compete at the provincial level, in Vernon, BC, which is an incredible achievement.

By Olivia Joo

Interview with Cpl. Fletcher (5th from the left in Biathlon Team 2023-24 photo) First Place Winner-Cadet Jr. Male

Corporal (Cpl) Fletcher (5th from the left in Biathlon Team 2023-24 photo), who achieved gold in the Jr Male division said, “I am proud of myself, my teammates, and our coach, Civilian Instructor (CI) Finch. My shooting was better than I expected, with a clean shoot in the first round and missing only one target in the second. The biggest challenge was the weather. It was very cold, and there was a lot of snow and slush on the running course.”

The team’s accomplishment would not have been possible without the dedication and skills of our coach, CI Finch (far right in Biathlon Team 2023-24 photo). “The team has come a long way in a short period of time due to their dedication at each and every practice,” said CI Finch, who has been effectively training and mentoring our team for the past two years. “The team’s success is only possible due to the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts by many parents who supported their cadets and came out to our trail runs.” 

Biathlon Team 2023-24
Biathlon Team 2023-24

Interview with Cpl. Finch (3rd from the left in Biathlon Team 2023-24 photo) First Place Winner-Cadet Jr. Female

Q: How do you feel about Biathlon?

A: I love biathlon, and it has been a big part of my life.

Q: What was the biggest benefit of doing biathlon?

A: The biggest benefit of doing a biathlon is physical fitness and mental conditioning.

Q: What was the biggest challenge?

A: Training in poor weather conditions, for sure.

Q: Did you think you were going to get first place?

A: Yes, I did think that I was going to get first place. I believe in thinking positively. If you believe that you will get first place, then you will get first place.

Q: How do you plan to practice for the provincial?

A: I plan to keep training. “I train like I’m 2nd and race like I’m 1st.” 

Biathlon 2023-24

Mercede Lander, a cadet parent, said it was a joy watching the team develop and strengthen over the season. “Being a part of the zone competition is a terrific accomplishment for these cadets. My hope is a continued passion and commitment to athleticism throughout their lives.” The Fletchers and Landers volunteered to train with the team and assisted CI Finch. Their invaluable assistance was the backbone of the team’s success, and their commitment to the team was remarkable.

Biathlon 2023-24

Congratulations to everyone involved in this remarkable accomplishment!

The regional results were as follows:
  • Jr Female: Finch -1st
  • Jr Male: Fletcher – 1st
  • Lander – 5th
  • O’Keefe – 7th
  • Leus – 9th
  • Collin’s – 12th
  • Croft – 16th

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